Galentines Spotlight: Lauren, Helen & Emma

Welcome to our ‘Gym Besties’ series where we’re shining a spotlight on the amazing friendships we’ve seen blooming among our members in celebration of Galentine’s Day

How did you three meet?
Helen says:
We met in Caitlin’s Thursday class in early 2022 I think? Got to be pals through sharing a hoop every week then when I stopped training when I was pregnant we made sure to keep meeting up. 

Lauren says: No, we didn't know each other before starting hoop. Helen and I had attended the same beginners classes where we shared a hoop before encouraging each other to move up a stage where we met Emma and were dazzled by her vibrant hair, photography skills and huge sense of fun. Our long chats outside at the end of class evolved into making dinner dates.

Emma Says: I am forever grateful to Alt for our friendship! We met very early into my mixed classes and as a newbie I still felt quite intimidated by all the new stuff, these gals made me feel instantly at ease and became my weekly cheerleaders!

What ways has training at ALT has improved your friendship?

Helen says:
It made it! Always having each other to share videos and cheerlead each other.

Lauren says: I think ALT has given us such a strong base for our friendship, we have seen each other in moments of triumph when we have achieved something together, but also very vulnerable moments when something hasn't worked. Life is busy for all of us and even if we can't meet up in the real world as much as we would like, we do our best to have as many classes to gather as we can. We are so very different in what skills and strengths we bring to hoop, but also use these to cheer on and help each other. Helen makes sure we do both sides and don't slack on our pull ups, while Emma always catches our good side for videos while giving hilarious commentary.

Emma says: It was great to get inspiration from both of the girls. Helen is the strong diligent one who always encouraged me to improve my form and Laurens floaty elegance when pulling shapes made me look at how I move my own body. But aside from training they both became a big part of a social and emotional check in for me every week, we talked so much outside the studio after class that we ended up making a habit of meeting up for dinners in our free time - it was certainly warmer that way! 

What benefits have you seen personally from training at ALT?

Helen says:
When I had to suddenly stop playing rugby through injury I felt a bit lost without a sport and regular team activity. Aerial was not only great for rebuilding my leg strength in a low impact way but also giving me a social way to exercise again. It’s not often as an adult you get to learn and develop a totally new skill.

Lauren says: Apart from the obvious benefits of feeling stronger and more confident in my body, hoop has made me more tenacious and less likely to get frustrated and give up. This goes for both class and my personal and professional life.

What's your favourite thing about ALT?

Helen says:
Its fitness in a totally different form to what I’ve done before- both in the actual activities but also in the supportive environment and lack of “bro”s 😂

Lauren says: I love how the gym is always evolving and experimenting with new offerings, whether it's workshop week, the Christmas party or the excursions. I think if you see the management of a gym being as brave and willing to try new things, it's more likely to encourage the members to do that too.

What would you say to someone thinking about trying Aerial/ Pole/ ALT?
Helen says:
Give it a go and brace yourself for bruises! It totally doesn’t matter what sort of background you come from- I’m strong but about as graceful as a pigeon whereas Lauren moves beautifully and Emma is the queen of adding flair to a move and we all get different things from our classes. 

Lauren says: Be brave and go for it! Everyone starts at the beginning and has total empathy in everyone's journey. The feeling you get when you finally crack that move that has been just out of your grasp is addictive and when you get that cheer from the rest of your class, nothing beats it!

Anything else you want to add? Favourite thing to do together, what you love about each other, ect.

Helen says: I love how protective the girls were when I was pregnant in the air and that they made an effort to still see me when I had to take a baby-break from Alt! 

Lauren says: Making new friends as an adult can be so difficult and quite intimidating, but i know these girls will be standing with me for a long time. They celebrated with me at my hen party and were at my wedding last year. I have fallen head over heels with Helen's little boy and watched him get christened. I can't wait to celebrate Emma's wedding year this year, and amongst all the big events we will always carry on having ridiculous conversations in our 'hoop hens' chat!

Emma says: I loved when Helen was pregnant and we convinced her to have a baby photoshoot!! Lauren as diligent safety officer making sure she felt secure on the hoop and me running around finding just the right angles. Seeing Euan grow up it's nuts to look back and think he was tucked up in there being swung upside down!


1st June: Pricing Changes


Galentines Spotlight: Andrea & Gabi