Ready, Set, Photoshoot!

As we prepare to host a day of Aerial and Pole Photoshoots at the studio, check out our top tips on how to prepare for and get the most out of your session.

Aerial Instructor Caitlin says:

  • Make a list of all of the moves you want to try and cover in your photoshoot. I recommend having at least 10 - 15 tricks you feel super comfortable in. Not every pose will work on camera so it’s good to have extras. I like to catagorise mine into: ‘Must use’, ‘Will probably use’ and ‘Wild cards’. This means that I can focus on body positioning etc in the air and not trying to remember tricks I’ve done before! 

  • Be over prepared! Come with your list of tricks ready and practiced. Think of the order you plan to do them, normally starting with your hardest or requiring the most strength. Practice your shapes and have someone photograph or video you in them prior to the shoot - some shapes look better than they feel. Open Training or a Private lesson with your instructor are both perfect times for this.

  • Keep it simple. The simple shapes are always the most effective. Being in a shape that you can hold and take direction in (think hands, feet, where you are looking) will give you the best options when you are choosing your final images. Don’t choose shapes you need to strain and struggle in.

  • Link shapes together in a sequence so you can stay in the air. Coming on and off the equipment is really tiring and isn’t the most effective use of your 30 mins.

  • 30 mins is longer than you think! You will be surprised at how much you can get through, but also how tiring it is, especially when holding poses for longer durations than you might in class.

  • Avoid outfit malfunctions on the day by scheduling a practise session in your costume/costumes. We’re all super comfy in our leggings and gym gear but how does the trick feel in tights? Or bare skin? Does the costume bunch up funny in certain moves? Same goes for hair: check how your hair will sit in your chosen poses. Do you want a ponytail or loose hair for your poses if you’re going upside down?

Aerial Arts Photographer Becca Says: 

  • Make sure to have something to eat before your shoot! Lots of people get nervous or worry about things like boating but if you are planning on doing lots of tricks you'll need your strength more.

  • Photoshoots can be very tiring and catch a lot of people by surprise. You'll be holding these poses a lot longer than normal so it's good to get in at least one practice session with the poses you want for the best results.

  • Your time is yours and to utilise it the best you can know what you are going to do and when. You can write a list, pop it in your notes on your phone or save the poses as photos in your phone (this can also help me know what pose you are talking about!)

  • Avoid creams/moisturisers and other things such as deep heat or you can end up feeling very slippy on the day. This also goes for shaving, if you prefer to shave your legs, most razors have built-in strips that work like moisturisers, this can also cause extra sliding on the day.

  • Stay hydrated during your session!


Get A Grip!