New for 2024!

As 2024 approaches, we've been working hard behind the scenes on some exciting changes to our schedule and memberships. From updating and expanding our current timetable to restructuring our membership tiers, and class levels.

New Weekly Timetable

We’re now Open 7 Days a week!
Our new & improved timetable offers more opportunities than ever before to get in for your favourite classes.

New Class Levels

Not content with a timetable shake-up, we've also refreshed some of our class level names to more accurately reflect the vibe of the class and make them more clear and understandable to newcomers (because let's be honest there's nothing worse than rocking up to a class where you've booked the wrong level!)

  • Beginners (No change): our Beginners classes are the perfect environment to get comfortable with foundational moves and build your confidence and strength on the apparatus. There are absolutely no pre-requisites to joining our Beginners classes, and they’re the perfect opportunity to drop in and try something new.

  • All Levels: 'All Levels' will replace our 'Open Level' classes. These classes are designed to cater to a variety of levels so beginners and more experienced members will support and inspire each other training side by side. Your instructor will have a variety of combo’s planned for the different levels of students attending this class. There are no pre-requisites to joining our All Levels classes

  • Experienced: This will replace our 'Mixed Level' classes to clear up any ambiguity to newcomers, as you must have reached a certain level of experience to join this level. These classes are designed for experienced members who have completed our Beginners syllabus’ and been advised by their instructor to move up. These classes feature exciting combos and tricks which require a good level of foundational knowledge and comfort with moves such as inversions so are not suitable for beginners.

    If you’re unsure of your level,
    drop us an email and we can chat!

New Membership Tiers

After careful review, we've refreshed our membership tiers. Our new memberships tiers don't differentiate between aerial and ground based classes and offer great value to our members! 

Current members please note: No changes will be made to current memberships, so nothing has to change for those already signed up & wanting to maintain their current tier. (Please be advised that if you cancel a membership the old ones will no longer be available to rejoin and you'll rejoin on one of the above tiers). If you see a tier which you think would be more suited to your needs than your current plan just let us know and we'll be happy to move you over!


£1000 Raised for Refuweegee


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